About the Author

I'm Jessi Elder, a writer and creative storyteller based in Salt Lake City, Utah. I write stories about adventuring, healing, and my writing journey.

I am a passionate, adventurous, goofy, authentic forest fairy. I wear my heart on my sleeve, ramble on and on about healing, run far distances on trails, and am destined to tell stories. I feel the most me when I'm moving my body outside, especially in the mountains gazing out over w i d e,  o p e n spaces. I often return to my writing desk with scattered notes I took on the trail and weave them together to create stories.

I am too multipassionate to stay laser focused for long. So, I leverage bursts of inspiration to work on a jumble of projects that make me happy! I spent five years writing and editing and rewriting my debut fiction novel, which is currently tucked away for safekeeping. I dabble in poetry as a form of art therapy. I enjoy getting artsy and expressive on social media and sharing more elaborate thoughts and personal experiences on my blog. And I love my career in marketing and content writing.

One thing that remains strong and consistent throughout all of my writing projects is my voice. At the core of all the art I craft is… ME! My heart. I bleed onto every page. Whichever writing project lies in my readers' hands, I hope they can feel that my stories were born from the mountains I often wander and inspired by the peaks and valleys of my own life.

Dear reader,

Six years ago, I decided to go back to therapy and seek treatment for debilitating anxiety and a jumble of harrowing chronic illnesses. Amidst my healing journey, I started writing my fiction novel.

Five years ago, I created a mental health blog to write authentically about the joys and tribulations of living with anxiety, chronic illnesses, and a deeply independent and adventurous spirit. I hope that somewhere in my blog collection of emotional, venturesome rambles, you can find a piece that resonates with you.

Four years ago, I quit my unfulfilling engineering job to follow my creative dreams and start a content writing business. Then, I moved 1,500 miles across the country to live where my heart belongs.

Last year, I transitioned into a full-time marketing role with my favorite content writing client. One day, I will publish the creative endeavor that has meant so much to me all this time: my book… or perhaps I’ll publish a future book I have not yet even begun. Until then, I’ll continue letting my artistic bursts of energy fuel me along my writing journey.

Happy adventuring!
