Everything I Love About My Writing Career as a Freelance Writer, Blogger, and Novelist a Year After I Quit My Engineering Job
It’s been over a year since I quit my engineering job to chase my dream career. Here is an overview of my writing career, as well as my favorite things about being a freelance writer, mental health blogger, and novelist!

I Followed My Dreams This Year and Proved My Doubts Wrong!
I followed my dreams this year. The kind of dreams I always said “one day” to. I quit my engineering job, traveled the country, experienced vanlife, chased my dream career of being a writer, and moved out West. I followed my dreams so hard, and I want to share how I’m doing now!

6 Important Lessons I Learned During My First Year of Blogging
In honor of my mental health blog’s one year anniversary, I’m sharing a few blogging lessons learned along my journey!

An Entrepreneur's Struggles with Anxiety, Self-Confidence, and Self-Discipline
Life as an entrepreneur doesn’t always revolve around productive morning routines, efficient strategies, structured schedules, and confident boss vibes. In fact, running your own business comes with a lot of anxiety, uncertainty, and self doubt! Read about my entrepreneur struggles!

I Quit My Engineering Job to Chase My Dream
I quit my engineering job to chase my dream of being a writer! I’m never going to have to wonder what could have been. And personally, I think it’s riskier not to do what I love. Through this transition I’ve learned that I deserve happiness and I am capable of changing my situation.

How I Discovered My Inner Child’s Dreams
Read about the story of how I reconnected with my creative inner child during an emotionally dark period following college graduation.