Gift Ideas for Mental Health 2020


Gathering in large groups is frowned upon, shopping centers are more vacant and faceless (masks), and we aren’t allowed to sit in many restaurants or attend events. The holidays might have to be spent over Facetime this year. You know, this is going to save a lot of hard work preparing massive dinners. It’s going to save a lot of wasted food, too. And it’s going to allow us to avoid the extended family members we’d rather not see! But it’s also going to weigh heavily on those who live separately from their loved ones. Mental health in 2020 is experiencing an unprecedented challenge. 

In addition to everything else, this whole pandemic situation has created quite the hurdle for gift-buying this year. Gift cards are only okay if you are certain the company will not be going out of business. Experiences are tough because how many of those comply with social distancing rules and are actually allowed? 

Objects and materials can be bright and shiny, but most things only bring people temporary pleasure rather than true, lasting happiness. Let's prioritize mental health during pandemic-infested holidays. What can we buy for our favorite people this year that will boost their happiness, allow them to cope better during these unusual times, and that complies with all of the rules of 2020?

Below is a list of gift ideas for mental health that check all the boxes. 


Plants are perfect gifts to help with mental health. In addition to the air purifying and stress-relieving benefits, plants give people something to love and care for besides themselves.


A happy, uplifting story or daring adventure is a wonderful gift for mental health in 2020. Or perhaps a self-help book would be ideal for some inspiration and guidance. Two of my favorite self help books are The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Adventures for your Soul by Shannon Kaiser.

Coloring Books or Art Supplies

Coloring books aren’t just for children. An adult coloring book is a stress-relieving activity and allows the colorer to stay present and away from the screen. Watercolor, acrylic painting, or drawing supplies are also great options.

Kayak or Fishing Pole

Equipment for outdoor sports and activities encourages the gift receiver to enjoy the great outdoors and possibly get in a workout.

Online Therapy Session

Online therapy companies, like Talkspace, offer online and texting services. Talkspace offers gift cards!


The greatest gift ideas for mental health in 2020 include a journal for jotting down feelings and experiences. A blank journal has endless opportunities. Gratitude journals or journals with writing prompts give the writer a guide to explore their creativity and learn about themselves. 


A cookbook full of healthy recipes for health benefits or desserts for the sweet tooth offers a mindful activity for the gift receiver. Cooking and baking are mindful, creative, hands-on activities that are perfect for the times we can’t leave the house.


You know they make different kinds of tea for different kinds of ailments, right? Chamomile, ginger, peppermint, lemon, rose hip, and more - all have health benefits. A cozy cup of tea in bed is so comforting, especially when you're locked up at home. 

CBD oil

CBD oil offers many benefits like chronic pain and anxiety relief. Hmm, maybe I should look into that...

Eco-Friendly Gift Sets 

You and your loved one can feel good about helping the environment by reducing waste. Options include steel tumblers, a sustainable shaving kit, reusable utensil sets, waste-free laundry kits, and more. Check out Package Free Shop’s online store for awesome, affordable gifts and ideas!

Tickets to an Online Event

The way to attend events in 2020 is online. Online concerts, meditation sessions, and yoga classes can be found on the Internet.

Online Workout Subscription

Moving the body increases our mental well-being. Online fitness companies, like BeachBody on Demand, offer workout videos, coaches, fitness plans, and more. 

Essential Oils Diffuser or Candle

Relax to soothing scents like lavender, rose, or eucalyptus. 

Self Care Bath Set

Self care in the bathtub is never a bad time. Soak in some essential oils, use a salt scrub or an eye mask, and relaaaxxx. 

Happy Light

Light therapy lamps or happy lights provide health benefits and are especially helpful when the sun isn’t shining. This gift idea for mental health is lovely for your friends and family members that live in cloudy climates.

Yoga Mat

Yoga is a wonderful stress-reliever and workout. It's one of my favorite ways to decompress, stretch my body, and meditate. With a yoga mat and possibly a guided yoga meditation on YouTube, this soothing activity can be performed at home.

Headspace or Calm Subscription

Headspace and Calm are meditation apps that offer users endless guided meditations and other healthy practices.

Weighted or Heated Blanket

If anyone ever needs to feel warm and cozy, tucked in tight, or wrapped in a hug, a weighted or heated blanket will do the trick.

It's important to check in on your loved one's mental health during a pandemic. While many of us may be away from our family members during the holidays in 2020, we can still love them from afar by sending them a thoughtful present! This year, our exhausted, anxious, and isolated family members and friends will appreciate a gift that will increase the well-being of their mental health.


Mental Health Blog Disclaimer

I am not a medical professional, therapist, or mental healthcare professional. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only, comes from my own personal experiences, and may be read, interpreted, and practiced at your own risk. Do not rely on this information as a substitute to medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional.


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