Increase Positivity in Your Life by Eliminating Negativity

girl dancing in sunflower field at sunset

You are capable of taking the right steps to increase positivity in your life. Positivity is a choice. It's a habit. It’s a mindset. It’s achieved by doing simple math. 

Wait, math?

That’s right. To increase positivity in your life, all that is required is simple subtraction of negativity. That’s it! Eliminate negativity by subtracting what does not belong.

I’m obsessed with analyzing emotions and exploring different ways to experience personal growth. Because of this, I’ve paid very close attention to how I’ve transformed over the past few years. I took a lot of notes as I grew through emotionally turbulent times, unsatisfying careers, relationship issues, and more. I recognized a simple pattern I formed that actually solved my problems and made me a happier person. 

When I have a big problem to solve, I tend to grab my journal and pen and break it down using the simple method of creating lists. My ultimate goal when problem-solving for personal growth is to increase the positivity in my life because that, in turn, will increase my happiness. 

I’ve made the mistake before of responding to my lack of fulfillment with the decision to add more. I thought that I had to replace what I felt was missing. When you feel any sort of negative emotion, it’s easy to believe you need to find something new to add to your life. It’s easy to think that something else needs to happen in order to fix the issue. But adding more can complicate matters and increase your responsibility on top of everything else. If you want an easy fix to your problems, why don’t you simply remove what does not belong? Less is more!

There is an easy way to become abundant with optimism and good vibes. Big picture: you do simple math. You subtract the things that make you feel bad. Below is exactly what I repeat over and over in my journal to solve different problems in my life. 

Steps to Eliminate Negativity and Increase Positivity

First, create a master list of the main things you spend your time and energy on. Consider your relationships, career, side gigs, hobbies, organizations, physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. It’s healthy to check in on yourself, your interests, and your environment. Sometimes we aren’t even sure what we spend most of our time doing until we write it down. Your top priorities and time commitments change with different life chapters, so it’s important to analyze them every now and then!

Then, split your master list into two lists: a positive list and a negative list. 

Make a positive list of the things in your life that make you feel good. What is working for you? What do you want to keep around? This list serves to weed out what you don’t need to focus on at the moment. No need to change or omit what is good! Celebrate this list!

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Make a negative list of everything in your life that makes you feel negative emotions. What is not working for you? What would serve you to eliminate or change? What might not belong anymore? This list is going to make you feel uncomfortable. Use this list to pinpoint what should be removed from your life to increase your positivity and overall happiness. 


Mental Health Blog Disclaimer

I am not a medical professional, therapist, or mental healthcare professional. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only, comes from my own personal experiences, and may be read, interpreted, and practiced at your own risk. Do not rely on this information as a substitute to medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional.

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It takes guts to eliminate what doesn’t belong. You are brave when you change your situation. Even if you successfully create this list of negative things in your life, you won’t experience a change until you make it happen. It’s up to you to create actionable steps to initiate change. Life will stay the same if you let that heavy, uncomfortable thing continue to weigh you down. Sometimes, the things that cause negativity in your life are the things that are comfortable and easy. For example, that thing for me used to be my comfy, stable corporate job. Sure, it supplied many benefits, but it caused quite a lot of negative emotions. After journaling these lists and determining that my job truly did not belong anymore, I had to take the scary step of quitting. And do you know what happened after that job was removed from my life? An increase in positivity and happiness!

I feel empowered when I remember that my happiness is my responsibility. We don’t need to blame our unhappiness on other people, events, or circumstances because there is always something we can do to increase our happiness and well-being.

And luckily, it doesn’t have to be complicated or involve more responsibility! You are capable of attracting positive energy and making decisions every day that allow you to feel more positive emotions. You are capable of eliminating negativity. 


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