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Read stories about adventuring, healing, and my writing journey.
How I Cope with Health Anxiety
As a sufferer of health anxiety, I use many methods to cope with this mental illness. Some examples include finding acceptance, mindful meditation, fighting mental health stigma, watching negative thoughts float away, and not googling my symptoms! Read more to learn how forming simple habits allows me to overcome health anxiety.
A Hypochondriac Story
Read hypochondriac stories from the mind of someone suffering from health anxiety. Get to know the voices of Logic and Hypochondria, whose interactions with each other lead to anxiety, panic, and relief.
My Mental Health Treatment Journey
This is the complex and emotional mental health journey story of how I’ve treated mental health disorders and physical illnesses since the young age of five.
A Letter From Anxiety
If Anxiety could talk, what would it say? It turns out, she doesn’t always have the worst intentions…