Nature Therapy Activities for Anxiety and Depression

The natural world provides many beautiful benefits for our mental health. As a sufferer of chronic anxiety and occasional bouts of depression, I wholeheartedly preach that spending time outdoors immersed in nature soothes my soul, and I have faith that it can soothe yours too. Within my extensive mental health journey, I’ve found help and relief through many different methods; medication, therapy, nutrition, exercise, meditation, and more. My mind is wide open to all forms of treatment, and I’m a strong believer that different life circumstances might call for different means of treatment. 

Today I’m talking about one particular method that has never failed to increase my well-being and spark personal growth. Nature therapy is a method aimed at relieving emotional distress, but it doesn’t take place in a white-walled doctor’s office and is free of learning curves or rules. Nature for mental health is natural, simple, and only requires an initial step outside your front door.

In today’s world, our eyes are often locked to screens, and screen time is linked to increased mental illness, as shown by many studies on children. Though not as much research has been done on the effect of screen time on adults, ask yourself: Do you feel better emotionally and mentally on the days filled with screens or the days you’re experiencing real, physical life? I know my answer! Our ancestors would likely be shocked into a downward emotional spiral if they could see their great-great-great-grandchildren so absorbed in this bizarre thing called technology and so immersed in big cities that they don’t often take time to walk amongst the trees and tall grasses! 

But the trees, grass, flowers, dirt, and rushing water have so much to offer us. We should step outside and let our natural environment bring us peace, happiness, and Vitamin D. Therapy and healing can come in shades of green, blue, and brown! Here are 8 nature therapy activities to boost your mental health!

green leaves

Nature Activities for Anxiety and Depression

Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness for anxiety and depression is a form of meditation in which you bring awareness to your five senses to calm your nervous system and place your mind in the present moment. The next time you’re strolling through the park or basking under the sun, ground yourself in the present moment by paying attention to what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. 

Social Connection

Explore how to cope with anxiety and depression through social interaction outdoors. Grab a few friends for a picnic, hike, or game night outside. Changing up your scenery from the couch to the grass will likely freshen up your routine.

Safari Excursion

When you pay close attention, you’ll notice that the world outside your window comes to life with other creatures. Spending time observing or interacting with animals has been shown by studies to have positive health effects

Exercise & Adventure

Get your heart rate up and release endorphins with some physical activity. Move your body on a bike, hike, lake, paddle board, yoga mat, or even as you scale the side of a cliff! The options for outdoor adventures are endless. Exercise, adventure, and nature for mental health is a beautiful recipe for healing.


Taking action to protect the environment in exchange for the nurturing mother nature extends to you is a beautiful way to experience nature therapy. Check out your local nature conservancy organizations to get involved. Here are two places you can get started: The Nature Conservancy and The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Farming & Gardening

Hands-on activities, like farming and gardening, are great tools for practicing mindfulness, nurturing the Earth, reducing stress, and maybe even providing healthy food for your family and community.


In my opinion, creating art outdoors will probably result in an inspiring masterpiece. It’s also a wonderful place to be if you’re going to make a mess (as long as your art supplies are non-toxic and safe for the environment)! Plus, you’ll have quite a beautiful stage set up for you to paint, draw, sculpt, or whatever your art method happens to be.


Write outside! All you need is your journal and pen. With natural lighting and beautiful, natural scenery, you might experience a boost of inspiration; I know I do! Now, go explore some of these nature therapy activities to healthily and naturally cope with anxiety and depression!


Mental Health Blog Disclaimer

I am not a medical professional, therapist, or mental healthcare professional. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only, comes from my own personal experiences, and may be read, interpreted, and practiced at your own risk. Do not rely on this information as a substitute to medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional.


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